Are you leaving your dorm room? Whether it’s a weekend
mini-vacation or a tropical week-long getaway remember to do a few things to
save energy and keep your room sustainable while you’re away!
- ¨ Close and lock your windows. Don’t make your thermostat work in overdrive while you’re gone, even if you think the weather might be nice while you’re away.
- ¨ Remove the trash from your room and recycle what you can! Don’t have your room smell of whatever you ate last Thursday (those smells can attract vermin)!
- ¨ Unplug everything you can! Remember to unplug your alarm clock (those loud beeping noises might distress your neighbor), your printer, your power strip bars, your desk lights, your coffee maker—anything that you won’t be using while you’re away can be unplugged. Remember that even when you aren’t using something, it still uses power.
- ¨ Remember to think about your plants and your pets! Make sure they have enough food and water before you leave.
- ¨ Make sure you look at your building’s thermostat settings before you leave. Most buildings require you to leave the thermostat at a medium heat so pipes don’t freeze.
- ¨ Report any problems, such as leaky faucets, to maintenance so they can be taken care of over break .