Friday, March 15, 2013

Keep Your Dorm Sustainable Over Break!

Are you leaving your dorm room? Whether it’s a weekend mini-vacation or a tropical week-long getaway remember to do a few things to save energy and keep your room sustainable while you’re away!

  • ¨   Close and lock your windows. Don’t make your thermostat work in overdrive while you’re gone, even if you think the weather might be nice while you’re away.
  • ¨   Remove the trash from your room and recycle what you can! Don’t have your room smell of whatever you ate last Thursday (those smells can attract vermin)!
  • ¨   Unplug everything you can! Remember to unplug your alarm clock (those loud beeping noises might distress your neighbor), your printer, your power strip bars, your desk lights, your coffee maker­­­­­­­­anything that you won’t be using while you’re away can be unplugged. Remember that even when you aren’t using something, it still uses power.
  • ¨   Remember to think about your plants and your pets! Make sure they have enough food and water before you leave.
  • ¨   Make sure you look at your building’s thermostat settings before you leave. Most buildings require you to leave the thermostat at a medium heat so pipes don’t freeze.
  • ¨   Report any problems, such as leaky faucets, to maintenance so they can be taken care of over break . 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sustaining Your Spring Break - Living the Local Culture

Written by Madi Linkenmeyer

If someone were to take a spring break trip to Ames, you'd probably tell them to try pizza from Jeff's or Black Market, to get coffee from Stomping Grounds or Arcadia, to shop on Main Street or spend an afternoon at Reiman Gardens. You'd want them to have an experience that is unique to Ames.

Why not find local hot spots at your spring break destination? Whether you're on a beach or in the city, make your spring break one of a kind while supporting the local economy.

Your smart phone can be a helpful tool for finding local places to eat, drink, see and do. Here are only a few apps and websites to get started.

  • The Foursquare app allows you to search by topics including arts and entertainment, coffee, outdoors and food. The trending tab lists popular places chosen by other Foursquare users. “Check in” with the app, and you’ll find specials like a free drink or 10 percent off a purchase.

  • The best feature about Yahoo! Local is that it provides you with maps and driving directions to your destination. You can search nearby locations, get reviews from other Yahoo! users and call businesses directly from the app.

  • Local businesses often use Groupon to attract out-of-town customers. You’ll pay upfront for the coupon, but can find discounts for more than 50 percent off. Buying and redeeming deals directly from your phone makes the app very user-friendly and very convenient. 

    •  If you’re just looking for a local place to eat, Urbanspoon will randomly suggest restaurants near your location. You can filter your search based off of price and cuisine, read peoples’ reviews and even make reservations. 

    • Most cities will have a website or app listing local businesses. For example, the Ames Convention & Visitors Bureau site lists most local Ames’ businesses with a phone number, website, map and a short description.

    • No one knows better than a local. If you’re short a smart phone or computer, don’t be afraid to ask someone who lives where you’re visiting. They’ve probably tried it all and know exactly where to point you. 

    Sustaining Your Spring Break

    In a week, a lot of us will be heading to the coasts or to slopes outside of the flat Iowa terrain we know and love.

    While it’ll be quite easy to leave school and the daily work grind behind us as we reach our destinations, don’t forget to have a sustainable spring break.

    Whether you’ll be staying at Motel 6 or the Marriott, keep in mind what kind of foot print you’re leaving, and do a mental check list every time you leave the room:

    • Shut the lights off – there’s no need to consume energy if you’re not there to enjoy it.

    • Dial it down – turn down or turn off your AC while out and about. If you’re headed to a colder climate, drop the thermostat a few degrees while you’re not around.

    • A twist on transportation – research to see if you can rent a bike to sight see. Or, check on local transportation options. A lot of hotels offer a free shuttle service, and bigger cities boast very efficient public transportation options.

    There are green things you can do while at your hotel as well. Avoid the towel two-a-day by reusing your towels. This helps the hotel be more efficient and conserve more energy.

    Inquire about recycling. The front desk should be able to tell you what options there are for recycling. Take this a step further and bring a reusable water bottle or coffee mug with you. You’ll consume less plastic and save more money by going the reusable route. 

    Let spring break be a time of relaxation and rejuvenation to carry you through the rest of the semester, but don't skip a beat on living sustainably with your spring break footprint.